AN ENERGY Approach to Self-Preparation in Sport
Definition: The objective of Energy Coaching is to allow athletes to discover or to recover their energy balance. This is a key factor in a player’s overall physical fitness and psychological well-being.
Athletes perform at superhuman levels. They must be in perfect health. Playing should never upset the harmony between their physical, mental and energy centers. Learning how to strike this balance will guarantee health and fitness.
Most athletes focus on physical preparation, on improving their attitude and recuperative powers, on boosting performance and positive-thinking or simply on living a healthier life.
Harmonizing energy is the one dimension that most athletes know little or nothing about. This is a result of mainstream thinking or simply because they do not have access to information about this innovative approach to self-preparation in sport.
Balancing an athlete’s energy plays an important role in the following domains:
Fitness (reactivity; vivacity and tonus)
Intellectual well-being (lucidity; self-confidence; optimism and drive)
Physical recovery (muscle fatigue; stiffness; contractions; muscular, tendon or bone lesions caused by the pressures of competition)
Psychological recovery (fatigue caused by emotional strain and the pressure to win)
All forms of physical, emotional and mental exercise provoke changes which cause energy deficiency. This results in both physical problems (fatigue; injury; sluggishness; lack of reactivity and vivacity, etc.) and mental problems (lack of drive; confusion; fatigue, etc).
The human body is constantly subject to energy flux. Competing at a high level requires athletes to give it all they have got physically, mentally and emotionally. Harmonizing their energy is vital.
The objective of Energy Coaching (or magnetizing) is, firstly, to restore an athlete’s energy balance, necessary for high-performance. Secondly, it seeks to harmonize the circulation of his or her energy. In this way, athletes can be competitive all year long… naturally.
Magnetizing allows athletes to take stock of the energy dimension, which they may not even suspect exists. It rounds off their physical training by respecting the energy balance. Without it, they cannot fulfil themselves either physically, emotionally or mentally.
Energy Coaching sessions
May be fitted in at any period of the season:
Post-match (muscular and energy recovery)
Pre-match (in preparation for high physical and mental output)
Or as a complement to intensive training
Energy Coaching sessions can also help athletes who are undergoing physiotherapy as a result of chronic or acute injury. It is also helpful in treating muscular traumatisms (stiffness; contractions; torn muscle) as well as ligament, tendon or bone injuries (tendonitis; sprains; fatigue fractures).
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99 dollars des États-Unis45 min
99 dollars des États-Unis45 min
99 dollars des États-Unis45 min
99 dollars des États-Unis45 min
99 dollars des États-Unis